Friday, September 10, 2010

3 Weeks To Go!

The marathon is only 3 weeks away. 3 weeks! Eeek!

Last week I finally took the plunge & signed up. It made it official. No turning back now.

One portion of the form asked what my estimated finish time will be. I put down 5:15:30 (5 hr. 15 min., 30 seconds). Based on some recent long runs that's about what's estimated. I would love to finish under 5 hours & it is possible. But if I don't meet that goal I'm ok with it. Just finishing is an accomplishment.

Tomorrow is my last real long run: 20 miles. I've attempted this twice so far, both on the treadmill due to the Texas heat. The first time didn't go so well & I only got 17 miles done. The 2nd time was much better & I got it all done but I didn't feel like it was the best training since I had to get off a few times for water refills which stopped the clock on the treadmill. In a race the clock doesn't stop for you.

So I'm excited to try this run tomorrow. It's been pretty humid here this week after all the rain from the tropical storm off the coast so I'm planning to get a very early start, like before the sun is even up. I'm also having to tackle this one alone. Normally Jeremy rides his bike with me, encouraging me to keep going & carrying my goodies (Gatorades, water, & energy beans). But he's out of town this weekend so I've got a 2-mile loop & a 1-mile loop in my in-laws' neighborhood that I'll do. I have to refuel every 3 miles so I'll do 2 miles, drink some water, then 1 mile & drink a gatorade, then the 2 miles again & so on till I complete all 20 miles. I hope I don't lose count! Being by myself will be closer to race conditions since Jeremy will only be able to meet me at a few mile markers along the race.

After this run I get to taper off, having shorter runs during the week & then my last 2 long runs are a 12-miler & then an 8-miler. And then it's 26.2 miles.

Oh, and I bought my singlet for the marathon today & will have something special put on the back of it. I can't wait to reveal it! There's also a super cute purple running skirt I have my eye on. I may feel terrible when it's over & be tired & sweaty, but I'm gonna look going doing it!

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen these?

    I hope your run tomorrow goes super-well!
