Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I'm not very spontaneous. Jeremy will echo that. I'm a very scheduled person. Schedules help me be sure that things get done. So when I was asked during my pregnancy if I will be a "go with the flow" mom or a scheduled mom, I already knew the answer.

When we brought Shaylin home I tried as soon as I was able to get around I started setting a schedule for myself. But I didn't get this figured out in one week. I started by settling on when I'd wash Shaylin's laundry & make sure to get it done. Then it was our laundry & then towels. Anytime I felt that I had a part of my routine down, I'd add something to it. It kept me from being overwhelmed with this new chapter in my life.

So here's what I currently have going on in my week:

Monday - wash Shaylin's laundry, grocery shopping while my mother-in-law watches Shaylin (so thankful she can help me with this so shopping is less stressful)

Tuesday - wash towels, dust, vacuum

Wednesday - wash sheets & put new ones on the bed

Thursday - clean bathrooms

Friday - wash my & Jeremy's laundry, dust, vacuum

Cloth diapers are washed every 2 days & I usually only have to wash whites every 2 weeks (we have a lot of white socks apparently!).

I was brushing the dogs on vacuuming days during shedding season but don't have to so much right now. However, now that Shaylin is getting on the floor more often I'm noticing that I probably need to start vacuuming daily. Kaylee may not be shedding huge chucks of hair but she still loses hair & I'd rather my baby not get it all over her. So there's a new change to my schedule.

My scheduling also helped me with being able to easily train for a marathon. As soon as I was allowed to at least walk I got on the treadmill everyday in the mornings & put Shaylin in her swing. She fought it for a while which had me getting off a lot to soothe her. But eventually she adjusted & now expects to be in her swing & take her morning nap there.

Being a new mom can be overwhelming. And it's easy to feel like you're being lazy if laundry is piling up & dishes are in the sink. But by just slowly building a routine you can be sure things get done & some days it'll even make you feel like your Supermom!

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